what lies beneath...
"Tell the truth faster." Succulent Wild Woman, SARK
It seems to me that some of the exercises in Week 1 are designed to do just that. To encourage us to have a direct line to our creative essence without feeling paralyzed by our lies. The lies that are barked out to us by our censors. The lies that come out as blurts...yet when we trace their heritage we typically find they were initially said by someone else.
Week 1 is about "Recovering a Sense of Safety." There is nothing safe about lies. They are the antithesis of safe. And yet we grow so comfortable living within the web of them that surrounds us. And they're insidious suckers. If we've lived with them long enough, we don't even recognize them as lies. They're lies in beliefs' clothing. And once they've convinced us that they're really beliefs, we stop questioning the truth of them. A belief is something we accept as true. We've accepted these lies about ourselves as truths. And we didn't even say them in the first place.
Seems kinda silly, doesn't it?
great post.
And oh so true.
right on! nice to be guided toward a more disengaged perspective on all that crap, eh? by the way, i really appreciated what you said on my post regarding mother stuff about understanding that as a core issue, yet one that can be moved on from. well put.
"They're lies in beliefs' clothing" Sure enough. Well put - I think I may go quote you in my Artist Way book margins. Thanks for this insight.
I love this - it's just so true. In time, if we hand over power, we incorporate those lies as beliefs into our lives. I have to be careful, to fight the urge that 'well, maybe they're right - I'm not perfect, after all.' I'm thinking that this is definitely worthy of the AW book margins! ;)
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