Recapping Week 5
Here's where I fell almost completely off the AW wagon. I've still only read a couple pages of the Week 5 chapter. I only wrote morning pages three days that week, and two of those days I only wrote half a page. I simply couldn't stay focused on the task when I'd sit down to write. I was barely hanging onto the idea of AW by my cuticles. Artist date? What's that?? Although, in my defense, this was the week when I got really involved with working on the Black History Assembly at school. I'd pulled the band together for the assembly, but this was the week when I started working with the kids at the rehearsals and really jumping in with both feet. I was growing more and more down not having access to my blog and my blogging buddies and the AW group, but working on the assembly was my saving grace. So even though I wasn't following the book and the guidelines, I was doing something I really loved and felt passionate about...for the first time in a very long time. So I was feeding my artist.
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that you're back!!!!! I missed you!!
Glad that you got to do something extra-specially special that week, that really got your creative juices flowing! Amazing how that can energize you huh?
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