Sunday, February 19, 2006

Recapping Week 6

Anyone home?? I'd gone from "I really should be writing morning pages" to blithely going about my mornings after J'd leave for work having coffee and reading the paper. I forgot morning pages even existed. And my bookmark was still firmly planted in the early pages of Week 5. But, I was pouring a lot of time and energy and effort into the Black History Assembly production at school, and it was giving me a big creative payoff. Friday's performances were so rewarding to witness--to see how far the kids had come and to see them so excited to be performing. So even though week 6 was completely lost in terms of AW group parameters, it was found in terms of feeding me personally.

The theme for Week 6 was recovering a sense of abundance, and having our PC finally arrive certainly helped with that. I even had one day last week where I put on a jacket I hadn't worn in about 6 months and found a five-dollar bill in the pocket...I walked to the bus stop, boarded the empty bus and the driver stopped me from depositing my $1 fare, saying "Don't worry about it"...I took my seat and found a shiny dime on the seat next to me. So I guess the universe was letting me know that there really is abundance everywhere...sometimes when I least expect it. ;)


At 6:58 PM, Blogger Laura said...

I am glad the performances went well - it sounds like you were really involved and doing a lot, and having a blast. And that's the important part, right?

At 9:15 AM, Blogger Kara said...

I'm so happy to hear that the assembly went so well. I'm glad to hear you were finding creative satisfaction. Love the abundance stories too!


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